Friday, April 20, 2012

Government Prepping?

TV shows like "Doomsday Preppers" and  "Doomsday Bunkers"...Blogs, web sites, explain lots of information on individuals prepping for the worst case scenarios, but what are Governments doing? Remember the asinine response from FEMA during Hurricane Katrina? Does anyone think FEMA will save them?

State and Local Governments are more likely to help, but if they even have a plan, do they have the supplies to deal with a widespread disaster?

Many have seen the movie "2012" where the astute governments of the major industrial countries get together and build huge, giant save humanity!  No one really believes they can or have done they?  I am 110% dubious! Has anyone ever been to a City Council Meeting or State Assembly where such preparations were even discussed?  I thought not.

I currently live in Oregon...they have an Emergency Response here!  Google your state and see what they are actually doing.  call them up and ask them if they have supplies stockpiled.  Remember all the Police in New Orleans who walked off the job when Katrina hit?  They have families too...many "First Responders" won't even show up!

Folks it's up to individuals to save themselves and their families.  Just like it has always been. 

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